Our Research Affiliate Program

Contribute your expertise to the developer platform to leverage your impact.

As an OICD Research Affiliate you will...

  • Have an opportunity to work on, expand, and manage the OICD’s key research and development activities, perspectives, and networks.


  • Bring your own expertise and vision both to the organization as a whole and to individual projects.

  • Join an interdisciplinary body of academics (anthropologists, political scientists, historians, economists, theatre specialists, and psychologists), policy-makers, development practitioners, artists, musicians, film makers, and playwrights, amongst others.

  • Be allowed to disseminate your work through multiple OICD publishing channels and gain access to the organization’s published materials at no cost.

  • Commit to assist its Research Affiliates in conceptualizing, organizing related projects and managing conferences and workshops on topics related to the organization’s research and projects.

  • For more information see below

Application Guidelines

Eligibility Criteria:

  • We encourage applicants from all disciplines and fields.
  • Applicants are usually affiliated with a recognized educational institution, research center, or non-profit organization although exceptions are possible.
  • Applicants should share the OICD’s aims/goals and demonstrate a keen interest in the work of the organization.
  • Applicants should demonstrate that they have published or otherwise operationalized work on a topic closely related to OICD’s research or project areas.


  • Researchers’ profiles are listed on the global network map and become part of a global professional network that collaborates on online and offline platforms.
  • Researchers will have priority for the publication of their work through the OICD’s publishing outlets (Global Ethnographicand Emic Press).
  • Researchers will have free or heavily discounted access to all OICD published materials and professional networks.
  • Researchers will have the opportunity to become engaged with a variety of OICD projects and initiatives.
  • Researchers will have the possibility to conceptualize and ready their research and projects for real-world application with the full support of the OICD and its resources.
  • Researchers will be given support and resources toward hosting a conference or a workshop either at their own institutions or an OICD partner institution on a topic related to OICD’s research/projects.

Commitment Requirements:

  • Where appropriate, Researchers are expected to promote and develop the organization’s projects within their own academic work and professional network.
  • Researchers are requested to acknowledge the OICD in any published work that has drawn on the organization’s network, aims, research or applied projects.


  • Prospective candidates may write directly to the OICD requesting this status including a CV/résumé, including references and current affiliation. Please write to [email protected].
  • All prospective candidates are required to submit work or project samples. Please seek advice on content and quantity at the time of application.