Project News
We are very honored to announce a new partnership with the John Howard Society Ottawa (JHSO) on an adaptation of the OICD’s EMIC methodology to JHSO’s goals to prevent crime, reduce poverty and build self-sufficiency. The work is focused on developing an integrated and systematic approach to identifying and engaging identity and cultural factors across a range of JHSO programs. JHSO demonstrated great initiative in seeing the potential of the adaptation and we are very grateful to the many JHSO caseworkers who have been giving up their time to help us tailor the adaptation to their contexts. We expect to detail some of this work in a future Real World Work segment.
Member News
Thanks go to OICD intern Lauren Vogler for her work on this issue of ID and to all of our interns and staff who have contributed content. Our internship program is a great place to start getting more involved in OICD activities, and for interns who are keen to continue to work in the OICD, opportunities are increasing for part-time titled positions. Four interns/former interns now hold positions in the OICD as staff members. Most recently, Eva Hansen and Hannah Diry are now “Project Research & Development Assistants”. Many congratulations to both of them and super job on the wide variety of tasks and ideas they are already bringing to the OICD!
As always, it is pleasure to welcome new members to the OICD: Ema Pochat and Jeremy Gales. Welcome!
For members awaiting the publication of the OICD toolkit for practitioners following the UCL-OICD workshop in May last year, we apologize for the continued delay. We are having production hold ups on the pdf version, but I can announce that we are close to launching the online version with hyperlinks to different sections for OICD members. An email will be sent to this list on launch.
Finally, we are close to launching our new membership system that will provide access to member-only online content. If you are currently a list subscriber and would like to become a member of the OICD, please fill in this sign-up form.