A big thank you again for the 2006-2008 exec committee who helped found and manage the first years of the OICD!

Joy Hendry, Ellen Kaplan, Gordon Mathews, Peter Ackermann, Greg Poole, Rebecca Pino, Michael Shackleton, Sebastien Boret.

Hats off to you all for completing your two-year terms, many of you have made invaluable contributions!

Our incoming team, as of 1st December, has taken the reigns and I am now able to formally announce the members.

Richard Chenhall, Tim Crosland, Mark Davidheiser, Tammy Kohn, Yuko Nishimura, Reiko Ogawa, Larry Thomas, Bruce White (Director)

Link to a pdf file (500k) listing all up-to-date member profiles.

(you can view all the latest OICD staff info at https://oicd.net/people.htm)
