I made a short presentation at the Anthropology of Japan in Japan (AJJ) meeting at Osaka University a couple of weeks ago. http://www.ajj-online.net/Site/Fall%20Meeting%202008.html

I talked on the subject of Japanese multiculturalism and some of the possible ways that anthropologists and historians may be able to contribute to policy making and social cohesion in this area.

I introduced the audience to our OICD working graphic, https://oicd.net/oicdapproachgraphic.pdf

…and also talked about the OICD media campaign project in Fiji, showing the video found on the project’s website (need to download the video as the youtube link is currently not enabled for public viewing):


There was a lot of positive feedback from the presentation and several people expressed an interest in joining the OICD as general members and research affiliates.