The OICD's Flagship Foundation Course

Your learning starts here

Upon payment you will receive a personal email from your course coordinator with all relevant info links to the private Slack group and your course resources.

The Course Syllabus & Benefits

Session One

In the first part of the course we explore how identities help to fulfill human needs such as the need to feel connected to each other, free from fear and valid in the world. Through team exercises, we will examine the relationship between violence, hatred and identity.

Session Two

In the second interactive session, participants will learn some key ways to become better observers and interpreters of identity. We will learn techniques to help unpack the deeper meaning of behaviour and discourse and use roleplay to investigate how identities are produced to suit certain contexts.

Session Three

Putting what we have learnt into practice, the final session will concentrate on understanding how to build strategies and interventions to make some real world change. Concentrating on maximising effectiveness and ethnical standards we will explore the many options available to a variety of professions and sectors.

Full Course Features and Benefits

Here's a break-down of the full features of the OICD instructor-led course.

  • Over nine hours of video content and up to nine hours of online tuition with an OICD expert, facilitator, and a cohort of like-minded participants
  • 12 Guided and interactive modules covering a wide range of content with case studies
  • A slack group to discuss content outside of the instructor learning hours
  • A certificate of completion issued by the Organization for Identity and Cultural Development (OICD)
  • Access to supporting course materials
  • A foundation level competency in understanding and combating identity-based divisions
  • Priority access to OICD professional education and project services upon completion

Identity is a core issue for peacebuilding work, but also a very complex one. What I found interesting and relevant about the OICD's approach is the way it combines a high level conceptual model with practical application.

Phil Vernon, former Director of Programmes
Phil Vernon, former Director of Programmes International Alert, London, UK (2004-2017)

With an interest in conflict prevention and resolution, I was looking for an opportunity to apply my academic knowledge to real-world projects. The interdisciplinary approach and unique methodology of conflict management that OICD applies is unparalleled.

Dr. Aliya Tskhay, Research Associate
Dr. Aliya Tskhay, Research Associate University of St. Andrews