As part of the OICD’s development of its integration advisory services, OICD director Bruce White has been in Edmonton, Canada, on a mission to evaluate current multicultural theory and practice in the Albertan capital.
The trip has been successful in observing Canadian multiculturalism operating at three distinct but interconnected levels:
- the frontline where much needed services are delivered directly to newcomers by NGOs
- the provincial government where policy is formulated and ongoing regional issues are addressed
- the academic level where the philosophical and theoretical underpinnings of Canadian mutccultralism are critiqued and debated
Dr. White sends out many thanks to the following people who gave up their time to speak about their work. A full report of the visit will be made available to OICD members (free to join) in 2011.

Many thanks also to Marie Riddle, Executive Director of the Human Rights and Citizenship Branch, Cassie Palamar, Director of the Education and Community Services Unit of the Human Rights and Citizenship Branch and Susan Coombes, Manager of the Human Rights Education and Multiculturalism Fund.